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Why Do People Collect Ephemera?

I’ve been reading up on ephemera on the net and the reasons that people collect ephemera are as varied as the categories that the Ephemera Society of America lists on their website. You have the specific collectors that everyone knows about, like postage stamps, baseball cards and postcards. And then you have the folks who collect anything that catches their eye. I think the bottom line is that those who collect it, do so because it gives a window on our past. A daily menu from 1938 gives us a picture of what an ordinary person did in their everyday life. This is the part of history that doesn’t get written into history books. But those little glimpses are more fascinating than the accounts written in books because it allows us to imagine how it might have been.

What is Ephemera?

Three answers:


Pronunciation: \i-ˈfe-mər-ə, -ˈfem-rə\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ephemera also ephem·er·ae \-mər-ē, -rē\ or ephemeras
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek ephēmera, neuter plural of ephēmeros
Date: 1650
1: something of no lasting significance —usually used in plural
2ephemera plural : paper items (as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles.

from Merriam Webster Dictionary


Listmania Books on Ephemera

 from,a list of reference books

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